Remarks on my Judge Dee novels
The Chinese Bell Murders. This novel I drafted in Tokyo when serving there as Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy,from Nov.1948 till Dec.1951. In 1949 I had published in Tokyo my English translation of the 18th Century Chinese detective novel Dee Goong An,and the Bell Murders was my first attempt at writing a Chinese-style detective novel myself,borrowing Judge Dee and his four lieutenants Hoong,Ma Joong,Chiao Tai and Tao Gan ,with their main characteristics. My English text was meant only as basis for a printed Chinese and/or Japanese version,my aim being to show modern Chinese and Japanese writers that their own ancient crime-literature has plenty of source material for detective and mystery-sto- ries. However, Japanese publishers thought this novel un- suitable,because they feared the anti-Buddhist tendency would offend Buddhist readers. Thus I decided to hold the ms. for the time being,and in 1950 wrote my second Judge Dee novel,viz.The Chinese Maze Murders. In Dec.1951 I was transferred from Tokyo to the post of Counsellor of the Netherlands Embassy in New Delhi,and during a fewweeks holiday with my family in Hongkong,I re-wrote the opening chapter of the Bell Murders;I sent the revised text back to Japan,and there the novel was published in three issues of the Japanese monthly "Tantei-kurabu" (Detective Club),in 1955. In 1953-56,when serving in The Hague as Director of the Africa and Middle East section of the Foreign Office,the Dutch publisher W.van Hoeve asked me to translate the Bell Murdersinto Dutch.Upon re-reading my ms. I found it lacked a dramitic ending,and I decided to make Mrs.Liang the estranged wife of Lin Fan,which necessi- tated only a few changes in the description of the pseudo- Mrs.Liang,and the insertion of a new passage in the last chapter.In this final version the novel was published in Dutch and in English,in 1958. I did not write any new novel in Holland in 1953-56,but I read a number of old Chinese collections of criminal cases, hunting for new material.Thus I found the 13th century hand- book for magistrates Tang-yin-pi-shih "Parallel cases from under the Pear Tree",and made an annotated translation of that text (published Leyden 1957,in the series Sinica Leiden- sia).Scan van het manuscript Scan van de originele versie Scan van de versie in de bibliografie |